I decided to invest in some of the professional photos from Alamy Stock in order to make a quality photo book documenting my creative practice. After researching the online photo archives, I discovered that Getty Images charge £130 per photo so those photos were immediately ruled out, but Alamy Stock has a package deal where you can get 25 photos for £180 - so I decided to go with this option. I spent a long time choosing my favourite 25 photos, also ensuring that they represented the wide variety of my different costumes over the years. I also asked a photographer friend of mine, Bruce Tanner, if I could have three of his photos for free (with name credit) and I also included the photos from my "Sick Note Jacket" photo shoot at CSM. I'm really happy with the quality of the print, which is a professional line photobook from Saal Digital, I also really like their design softare which is very intuitive and easy to use.