Lora's was my final "test" painting before I start the final oil portraits.

I decided to start with a slightly different approach to the other two, by sketching the linework in pencil on a blank canvas, rather than a pre-painted background. The reason being that I have noticed the vertical brushstrokes in the background showing through into the portrait, quite prominently in Kristyna's and somewhat in Redi's.

So, I painted the background colours, only as far as the linework - before adding the splatters, which had to be done in a very controlled way so as not to splatter over the area where the portrait will be.

I the began filling in the blocks of colour for the portrait. This time I was paying special attention to the areas of light and shade, since Kristyna's portrait came out looking rather flat.
This portrait test took me 3-days to complete, although I was probably only managing 5-6 hours per day, due to work, household chores and needing to rehearse for an upcoming gig.

Overall, I am pleased with how this one has turned out, although there are some minor design alterations I will make for the final oil painting.